El Matador Jaime Bravo
The following is from Mundo-Taurino.org,
with only a few additions.
Books and Other Media
About Bullfighting
abajo, pase por - low pass designed to keep bull's head down
abanico - "fan", two-handed cape maneuver, usually to bring bull to picador
abono - season ticket for full season or series of bullfights in a feria
acero - "steel", another word for the matador's sword
acometida - swift charge of bull, rapid and violent movement
acoso - spilling young bulls in countryside with blunt lance
adorno - a pose, such as touching bulls horns after series of passes
afarolado - pass where the muleta is passed over man's head as bull charges by
afeitar - "to shave", to illegally shorten bull's horns
aficion - the love of bullfighting, aficionados as a group
aficionado - fan of bullfighting
aficionado practico - a fan who also practices as an amateur torero
aguantar - to remain motionless before unexpected attack of the bull
ajustarse - to fight the bull very close
alarde - showing off, turning back on bull, touching horns, etc
alegrar - to excite the bull to attack
alegria - the seeming enjoyment of matador or bull
alguacillo - mounted constable at head of paseillo, also presents trophies
aliar - fighting with the muleta without adornment or artistic intent
almohadillas - cushions
alternando -"alternating", matadors who are appearing on a cartel
alternativa - a ceremony in which a novillero graduates to matador de toros
alto, pase por - high right-handed muleta pass
andanada - upper floor of the gradas, the covered seating part of bullring
anillo - "ring", actual part of arena where bullfight takes place
ano - yearling calf
apartado - separation of bulls prior to the bullfight into individual pens
aplausos - applause
apoderado - torero's manager
apodo - "nickname", such as "El Cordobes" - "The Cordoban"
apuntillar - the act of administering the puntilla
aragonesa - pass like the gaonera but bull behind man rather than to one side
arandela - metal ring on shaft of pica which stops it penetrating too far
arena - "sand", another term for bullring
areneros - men who smooth sand over prior to release of bull
armadura - "armour", the bull's horns
armamento - "armament", the bull's horns
arpon - "harpoon", the barb of metal on a banderilla
arranada - the attack of the bull
arrancar - this is the first of the three stages of making the kill. this is the straight charge at the bull. the second stage is "cruzar"; the third stage is "salida".
arrastre - the mules removing the dead bull from the ring
arrimarse - matador fighting with great courage and truly doing his best
arroba - about 25 pounds, an old method of estimating a bull's weight
arrucina - pass invented by Arruza, muleta held in right hand behind legs
asesor - technical advisor to the president of the bullring
asta - horn
astifino - thin, pointed horns
astigordo - thick horns
astillado - splintered horns
atravesada - sword thrust which enters at an angle
atropellado - trampled
aviso - warning given to the matador that he is taking too much time
ayudado - "helped", pass where muleta is helped with the sword in other hand
azabache - shiny or velvety black
azteca - adjective term used to denote Mexican
bajonazo - a safe, unfair sword thrust low in bull's neck
banderilla - 75cm darts with vari-colored paper and a barbed harpoon
banderillasnegras - (black banderillas) used when bull does not charge horse
banderillero - matador's assistant who places the banderillas
barrenar - when picador "drills" or twists pica to deepen wound
barrera - fence encircling the bull ring, also first row of seats
becerrada - calf fight
becerrista - calf-fighter, pre-novillero
becerro - calf up to three years
bizco - "cross-eyed", one horn higher than the other
blando - soft bull
brindis - dedication by the matador of the bull to a person or the crowd
bos taurusibericus - scientific name for the fighting bull
bota - wineskin
bramar - to bellow, considered cowardly in a bull
bravo - wild
brega, capote de - technical name for the magenta cape
brindis - salute to person(s), to whom the bullfighter is dedicating the bull
brionesa - cape pass invented by Briones, same as pase de pecho with muleta
brocho - horns curved close together
bronca - strong demonstration of disapproval by the crowd
bruto, en - weight of bull before dressing - see en canal
bufido - snorting bull, again often considered cowardly
burladero - "fooler" wooden shield in front of barrerra opening
burriciego - bull with defective vision, can see distances but not close up
buscar - (to look for) when bull is searching for the man behind the cloth
cabriola - when bull dips horns into sand and flips over
cacho, fuera del - passing the bull but keeping away from the horns
caida - "fall" of the picador and/or horse
cajon - reinforced crate in which a bull is transported to the bullring
callejon - a narrow passageway between the barrera and the spectators' stands
cambiado - movement in a direction other than the natural one
cambio - "change" of direction of bull's charge/asking for change of a tercio
canal, en - weight of a bull after being dressed by the butchers
capa - "cape", magenta and yellow/blue or reference to bull's coat
capea - free-for-all where amateurs are allowed to cape a bull
capilla - "chapel" at bullring where toreros offer prayers before bullfight
capote - same as capa, sometimes called capote de brega
capote de paseo - special dress cape worn by toreros on foot in the paseillo
cargar la suerte - matador's action/follow-through with bull's line of charge
carpintero - bullring "carpenter" who repairs damage to wooden barrier
cartel - poster advertising bullfight also term describing matador's prestige
Cemsl - to pass the bull very close
casta - the quality of breeding or strain of a bull
castaño - "chestnut" coloured bull
catedral - "cathedral", a very large bull
ceñirse - to pass the bull very close
chaquetilla - jacket of the suit of lights
charlotada - comic bullfight, usually with midgets
chicuelina - pass invented by Chicuelo, cape is pulled in tight against body
chiquero - stall where bull awaits its entrance into the arena
cintas - red cloth wound around matador's sword
citar - to provoke the bull to attack
clavar - to place the banderillas
coger - to catch or to toss
cogida - a tossing
cojo - lame
cola - another word for bull's tail, also queue of people for tickets
coleta - torero's pigtail, nowadays artificial
con peticion - with petition, as in when a crowd wants more trofeos given to the matador than the judge has authorized, then the award is said to be given "con peticion"
con protestas - with protest, as in when a judge awards more trofeos than the crowd wants
concurso - "competition" bullfight between ganaderias to find the best bull
confirmacion - the confirmation of an alternativa in Madrid or Mexico City
contrabarrera - the second row of seats in the bullring
cornada - a goring, a horn wound corniabierto - wide and open horns
corniadelatero - forward-set horns
cornicorto - short horns
corrida - bullfight where bulls are at least four years old
corral - enclosure at bullring where bulls are kept after arriving from ranch
corredores - the runners participating in the "running of the bulls"
correr la mano - "to run the hand", prolonging a one-handed pass
cortar la coleta - "to cut the pigtail", to retire from bullfighting
cortas - short banderillas
coso - old term for bullring
cruz - the highest part of the bull's back or withers
cruzar - this is the Second of the three stages of making the kill. this is the sword thrust, with the muleta in the left hand crossing at the same time beneath the sword arm to mark the bull's Salida or direction of exit from the confrontation. the first stage is "arrancar"; the third stage is "salida". "Cruzar" also refers to "crossing" in front of the animal, in order to reposition it.
cuadrar - "to square" the bull's feet ready for the kill
cuadrilla - the matadors's team of three banderilleros and two picadors
cuna - "cradle" between the bull's horns where one is safer when being tossed
cuarteo, al - the commonest method of placing banderillas
cuerno - horn
delanteras - front rows of tendidos and gradas
derechazo - a right-hand pass with the muleta
derribo - knocking over bulls in the wild with a blunt lance
derrote - an upward thrust of the bull's head
desafiar - "to defy", when bull paws the ground and backs up before charging
desarmar - "to disarm", when bull tears the muleta out of the matador's hand
descabellar - method of killing bull by stabbing it in the back of the neck
descabello - straight sword with crosspiece near end of blade
desencajamiento desencajonada - "uncrating" of the bulls at the bullring
despedida - the farewell performance of a matador
desplante - a pose where the bull is being dared to gore the torero
diestro - another term for matador
director de lidia - the "combat director", the senior matador on a cartel
divisa - rosette of ranch colours on bull when it enters the ring
division deopiniones - "division of opinions" of the crowd to a performance
doctorarse -to take the alternativa, the doctorate of bullfighting
embestida - the bull's charge
embolado - bull's horns padded as in Portugal or knobbed
empresa - the organisation that promotes a bullfight
empresario - the manager of the organisation promoting a bullfight
encastado - a bull that is representaitive of its particular strain of breed
encierro - running of the bulls through the streets as in Pamplona
encuentro, al - bull and man run to meet each other in the act of killing
enfermeria - the bullring infirmary, usually with operating table
entrada - term for a bullfight ticket
entrar a matar - to "enter for the kill"
eral - a two year old bull
escalafon - "league" table(s) of rankings, of which there are seperate ones for matadors, novilleros, and rejoneadors
espada - "sword", also another term for a matador
espontaneo - amateur who jumps into the ring to cape bull illegally
estatuario - statuesque muleta pass
estocada -the plunging of the estoque sword into the bull
estoque - curved sword used for killing
estribo - the small step or platform jutting out from the barrera
faena - all the work done with the muleta in the last part of the bullfight
faja - torero's sash
farol - two-handed cape pass where it is flipped over and round man's head
feria - a fair
fiesta brava - the "wild feast", another term for the bullfight
fijar - to fix bull's attention or to place it in a spot
firma pase de la - pass of Granero where muleta is snatched from bull's face
flamear - to shake or wave cape to attract bull's attention
flojo - "weak", a bull without much power
forcado - member of a Portuguese team which wrestle with bull
fracaso - calamity or failure, used to refer to a flop performance
franela - "flannel", another name for the muleta
frente pordetras, de - pass where cape is brought forward from behind back
fundon - large leather case containing matador's swords and muleta sticks
ganaderia - bull breeding ranch
ganadero - the owner of a bull breeding ranch
gaonera - pass where cape is held to one side behind matador's back
garrocha - blunt lance used on ranches
garrocha, salto de - seldom used stunt where torero pole vaults over the bull
gitano - "gypsy" torero
golpe - a blow or knock received by a torero
gradas - covered seats in upper part of bullring
grave - grave or serious wound
herida - injury
hierro - the brand given to a bull to designate its ranch
hombreras the epaulets - on a matador's jacket
hora de verdad - "the moment of truth", when entering for the kill
huido - a bull with little desire to fight, especially against picador
Iigualar - to place bull in best position for the kill
indulto - "pardon" granted to a bull for exceptional bravery
ingle - groin, common place for horn wounds
kikiriki muleta swirled in front of bull's face in a figure of eight
lance - any cape pass, but generally a veronica
larga - a pass where the cape is gathered in one hand and then thrown out
larga cambiada - a cape pass usually done while kneeling
lidia - "combat", everything done with the bull from start to finish
llamar - to call the bull to charge
llenazo - a full bullring, a complete sell-out
maestro - used to describe an experienced matador
mandar - to dominate the bull
mano a mano - "hand to hand", two matadors perform, competing with each other
manoletina - muleta is held behind one's back and lifted over bull's head
manso - a bull which refuses to fight to some degree
marcando - los tiempos
marking the different stages of the kill.
the first stage is "arrancar", the straight charge in;
the second stage is "cruzar", the sword thrust with the muleta in the left hand craossing at the same time beneath the sword arm to mark the bull's salida, or direction of exit from the confrontation;
the third stage is "salir", the disengaging by the matador along the bull's flank once the sword is well in and the horns past, controlled with the muleta.
mariposa - "butterfly", a spectacular pass with cape held behind one's back
matador detoros - "killer of bulls"
mayoral - ranch foreman who usually accompanies the bulls to the ring
media estocada - when the sword enters the bull with only half the blade
media veronica - pass where the cape is gathered up on the hip, ending series
medios, los - the centre part of the ring
metisaca - where the sword is thrust into the bull and pulled out again
mirando alpublico - cape or muleta pass performed while looking at the crowd
molinete muleta - pass where matador spins round after the horns have passed
mona - picador's leg armour
monsabios - costumed ring servants who assist picadors and drag out dead bull
montera - hat worn by matadors and banderilleros
morillo - hump of muscle on top of bull's neck
mozo de espadas - matador's sword-handler
muerte, pase dela - "pass of death", matador stands motionless, muleta high
muleta - red flannel cloth with stick inserted, used during faena
muletazo - a muleta pass
mulillas - team of mules used to drag dead bull from the ring
murillos - the bull's powerful neck, tossing muscle,
natural -usually refers to left-handed muleta pass without sword being used
novillada - a bullfight for novilleros. the bulls are only three years old
novillero - an apprentice matador who has not received the alternativa to become a matador. before an apprentice is a novillero, he, or she, is a becerrista
novillo - a three year old bull fought in novilladas
ojo de perdiz - "partridge-eyed", a bull with rings around its eyes
ole - bravo !
oreja - bull's ear
ovacion - standing ovation
padrino - "godfather", matador who gives the alternativa to a novillero
palco - a box in the bullring similar to one in a theatre with several seats
paletazo - a blow struck with the flat of the horn
palos - "sticks", another word for banderillas
palmas - "palms" of hands, hand claps
panuelo - "handkerchief" used to petition trophies and by President to signal
parar - "to stop", to stand motionless as bull charges by
parte facultivo - medical bulletin on the condition of an injured torero
pase - a cape or muleta pass
pase de pecho - chest pass with muleta
paseillo - when the toreros parade into the ring at start of the bullfight
paseo - as paseillo
pasodoble - style of music played by bullring bands
pata - bull's hoof no longer awarded as a trophy
patio de caballos - horse yard at the bullring... this is also where the toreros assemble before the walking into the ring for the bullfight... a small chapel is usually found in this area.
pecho, pase de - "chest pass", muleta at chest height as bull passes
peña taurina - a club devoted to bullfighting
pendulo - "pendulum" pass, muleta held behind back and moved back and forth
peon - another word for banderillero
peon deconfianza - the senior member of a matador's team
percance - an accident or mishap
perfilarse - "to profile", to position oneself for the kill
perpendicular - a sword thrust which penetrates at a near 90 degree angle
peso - the weight of the bull
peto - mattress-like protection worn since 1928 by the picador's horse
pica - picador's lance
picador - lancer whose job it is to weaken bull's neck muscles
picar - to wound the bull with the lance
pinchazo - "prick", an unsuccessful sword thrust
piton - the point of a bulls horn
pitos - whistles, signifies a crowd's displeasure
plaza de toros - the bullring plaza
partida - bullring divided in half with different fights in each half
poder a poder - style of placing banderillas, meeting bull almost head on
presidente - controller of the bullfight, usually a town official
pundonor - point of honour, depth of feeling of a matador
puntazo - a light horn puncture wound or scratch
puntilla - small dagger used by banderilleros to kill a downed bull
puntillero - the banderillero who uses the puntilla
puya - the point of a picador's lance
puyazo - the wound given by the puya
querencia - area of the ring chosen by the bull where it feels secure
quiebro, al - "on the dodge" style of placing banderillas at last moment
quite - pass to turn attention of bull or passes following a pic
rabo - bull's tail
raya - chalk lines around the ring
recibiendo -"receiving", bull's charge is provoked when killing
recorte - any pass where the bull is turned so sharply it comes to a stop
redondel - "circle", another word for the arena
redondo, en - to pass the bull all around in a circle
reglamento - official "rule" of bullfighting set by government
rejon de castigo - lance used by rejoneador, top breaks off after placing
rejon de muerte - lance used by rejoneador for the kill
rejoneador - one who fights the bull from horseback, Portuguese-style
rejoneo - a bullfight where the bull is fought from horseback
remate - a finishing pass to a series of passes
res - animal, beast
revolera - a swirling remate pass with the cape
revendadores - ticket touts or scalpers
revista - a review or a review magazine
rodillas, de - a pass done while kneeling
rosette - the small, colourful decoration, which is attached to the bull's shoulders, before he enters the bullring, indicating the ranch which bred the bull
ruedo - the ring
salida - entrance of bull into the ring or exit of bull from a pass
salida enhombros - leaving the bullring on the shoulders of the crowd
salir - this is the Third of the three stages of making the kill. this is the disengaging by the matador along the bull's flank once the sword is well in and the horns past, controlled with the muleta. the first stage is "arrancar"; the second stage is "cruzar".
saltillo - when the bull jumps out of the ring
saludos - salutations
semental - bull used for stud
sen~al - ear-mark given to bull to distinguish its ranch
sentado - "seated", pass given or banderillas placed while seated in a chair
sentido - "sensed", the way the bull learns quickly during the fight
serio - "serious", a bull with a stern face and good set of horns
serpentina - "serpentine", a swirling cape pass
sesgo, al - entering bull's terrrain to place banderillas
silencio - silence
sin verguenza - "without shame", describes a cynical performance by a matador
sitio - "place", emplacement of bull
sobrero - substitute bull after a bull is rejected
sobresaliente - substitute matador in case one retires injured
sol - "sun", the sunny less expensive side of the arena
sombra - "shade", the shaded more expensive side of the arena
sorteo - the drawing of lots to choose bulls by matadors' representatives
soso - "dull", the perfomance of either bull or matador
suave - "smooth", an ideal bull that charges clean amd straight
subalterno - a member of a matador's team
suerte - refers to either "luck" or an act of the bullfight
suerte contraria - exiting from the kill towards the middle of the ring
suerte natural - exiting from the kill nearer towards the fence
tablas - "boards", the outer rim of the ring
taleguilla - torero's trousers
tanda - a set or series of passes
tantear [tanteo] - "to test", the first passes of a faena to see how the bull charges
tardo - slow. a toro tardo is a bull that is slow to charge
taurino - pertaining to bullfighting
taurofilo - another term for aficionado
taurofobo - one who detracts from the fiesta. an avid, "anti" bullfight fan. the best and most vociferous "detractors" of tauromaquia are those who invariably know the least about the subject they attempt to defame
tauromaquia - the science and art of bullfighting
tela - cloth or fabric. another word for the capote or cape
telefono - a pose where the matador rest his elbow on the bull's forehead
temeroso - a timid bull unwilling to charge
templar - temper, moderate. translated erroneously by some authors as "to move the cape or muleta slowly and smoothly" (an interpretation of "suavizar") is correct only in part. templar means to moderate and to smooth the impetus in the attaack of the bull. to rectify the velocity of the animal by slowing it down when its velocity is too fast -- by accelerating if the velocity is too slow. to impose a control of the bull's pace. the relation between the two words "templar", to control, and "mandar", to command, is very close
temple using smoothness and rhythm
temporada - the bullfighting season (March to October in Spain). a temporada is considered to be a series of functions predetermined and announced by a promoter. this could be a series of 30 events over a period of months -- or it could be, in some small villages, one bullfight. bullfights of various categories take place twelve months of the year in all countries where the fiesta is celebrated. the big season begins during Easter week in Spain and lasts until the first of November. in South America, it begins with the last of October until sometime in February. in the interior of Mexico, the season is not too well defined -- usually November through February . the season along the United States - Mexico border (frontera) is varied because of weather. the Tijuana season runs from May through October. These are the dry comfortable months; in the winter it becomes cool -- occasionally damp. in San Luis R.C., 150 miles East of Tijuana, the season, would have to be during the only comfortable months -- November through March.
tendidos - section of seats directly behind the barrera/contrabarrera seats. the rows of seats from the barrera up to, but not including, the covered gallery at the top of the plaza. when a plaza is without covering of any type all seats are "tendidos". the tendidos may be divided in many sections depending on the various ticket prices. the origin of the covered section at the top dates back to when the royalty had reserved boxes in this elevated section. in present times, these elevated seats are general admission.
tentadero - the testing of calves for bravery (also tienta)
terciado -slanting, tilted, biased. a bull neither large nor small
tercio -"a third", the divisions of the arena or the three acts of the fight (tercio de varas, tercio de banderillas, tercio del muerte)
terreno - "terrain", both of the bull and the man
testigo - the matador who acts as a witness at an alternativa
testuz - bull's forehead
tiempo, a - un matador and bull move forward at same time during the kill
tienta - the testing of calves (also tentadero)
tope - wooden shaft at base of puya, wrapped in cord
toreador - archaic name for torero, not used these days
torear - to bullfight
toreo - art/style of bullfighting
toreo de salon - "bullfighting in the living room", practising with no bull
torero - a generic term for bullfighter
toril - the place from where the bull comes into the ring... the corridor from the bull pens
torito - a small bull
toro - the bull, Bos Taurus Ibericus
toro de casta - bull bred for bullfighting
toros, los - Spanish term for bullfight or bullfighting
traje de luces - "suit of lights", the costume of the torero
trapio - the general physical aspect of the bull, how smart looking it is
trasera - "rear", a sword thrust too far back in the bull
trastos - "tools", the implements for killing, the muleta and sword
tremendismo - almost foolhardy brave style which gets the spectators excited
tremendista - a matador or novillero who uses tremendismo
trincherazo - right-handed muleta pass
trofeo - "trophy" such as the ears or tail of the bull
trotar - to trot
tuerto - "one-eyed", a bull with defective vision
tumbo - a fall taken by a picador
utrero a bull between two and three years old
vaca - cow
valiente - "valiant", very brave
vaquero - herdsman
vaquilla - female calf
vara - picador's lance
varetazo - a blow with horn but not a wound
veronica - the fundamental two-handed cape pass named after St.Veronica
viento - "wind", the torero's worst enemy after the bull
volapie - "flying feet", man runs toward the bull with sword to kill it
volcandose - throwing oneself over the horns to kill the bull
voltereta - when the bull tosses a torero through the air
vuelta - a lap of the ring by the matador or dead bull
zapatillas - torero's shoes
Glossary version 1.1 by Tim Hardman (April 1996)
with acknowledgement to "Barnaby Conrad's Encyclopedia of Bullfighting" (1962)